
With Pythas installed you have multiple options of compiling and importing Haskell source code into Python. In all cases import pythas is the precondition to any consequent use of Haskell.

Two majorly distinct use cases are supported: Importing static Haskell modules and inline Haskell source code from within Python. Both are outlined below.

Note: The first time you use import pythas Pythas’ parts implemented in Haskell are compiled, which impacts import time. Therefore, it is suggested to run python -c "import pythas" directly after installation to prompt compilation. Following usages will not require this additional time. Only updates of Pythas which alter parts of its Haskell source will trigger recompilation.

Static Haskell Modules¶

For static Haskell source files Pythas aims to provide a pythonic import behavior. Consider you execute python in a directory which contains a Haskell module Example.hs in a examples subdirectory:

$ ls ./examples
$ cat ./examples/Example.hs
module Example where

increment :: Int -> Int
increment = (1+)
$ python

Then you can import this module simply by typing:

>>> import pythas
>>> import examples.example as example

The example module and the functions and constants it contains can now be accessed from python just like with any usual python package. Note how we use a capitalized module name in Haskell and a lower case one in Python. This way, module naming schemes stay consistent with regard to both languages. Another tweak is, that the examples directory does not need an file to be considered in the module lookup. Instead, Pythas will trust your knowledge about the file path and search accordingly.

After the import, the module presents itself to the user just like a Python module would. Given the following code in Example.hs:

module Example where

increment :: Int -> Int
increment = (1+)

then this means you can call it from Python just as you’d expect:

>>> example.increment(1)

Inline Haskell Modules¶

Inspired by pyCUDA the SourceModule - Object was added as another option for compiling Haskell source directly from a Python context.

>>> from pythas import SourceModule
>>> m = SourceModule('''
        increment :: Int -> Int
        increment = (1+)
>>> m.increment(1)

By default a new SouceModule will spawn its own Compiler instance. This is done to avoid irreproducible outcomes. However, all options configurable on a Compiler can also be set as key word arguments of the SourceModule. Furthermore, it also accepts a compiler key word argument where an existing Compiler instance can be passed. Options set on other key word arguments will override those of the Compiler instance passed to the SourceModule, but not alter the instance itself. Usage example:

>>> from pythas import SourceModule, compiler
>>> compiler.stack_usage = True
>>> m = SourceModule('''
        increment :: Int -> Int
        increment !i = 1 + i
        , compiler=compiler
        , flags=compiler.flags + ('-XBangPatterns',)
>>> m.increment(1)
>>> compiler.stack_usage
>>> compiler.flags

The example shows how a SourceModule is compiled with individual compile time flags set using an existing instance of Compiler. However, the flags set on the Compiler instance are not altered permanently. (Note: By far not all language extensions can be used with Pythas, consider them experimental within this framework)


In both cases, static and inline Haskell source, some limitations exist on which Haskell functions and constants can and will be imported. Most notably, type declarations are paramount for the imports. Pythas does not do its own type inference. All basic Haskell types are supported, including strings and nested lists and tuples.

Unsupported functions or constants will not be available from the Python context. However, they will not trigger any errors. Thus, they can be used within the Haskell context without risk. Checking what populates the namespace of a module imported through Pythas is as easy as for any Python module:

>>> dir(example)
[ ... , 'increment']

Call signatures¶

A note on peculiarities of call signatures of constants imported via Pythas. Consider two type annotations in Haskell:

a :: Int
b :: IO Int

Interfacing from Python through Pythas these constants/variables (let’s just not go down that rabbit hole right now) will be available like:

>>> m.a
>>> m.b
<pythas.utils.PythasFunc object at 0x....>
>>> m.b()

Note how the second name b needs to be called in order to expose its value. This is actually somewhat convenient, as it exposes part of Haskells strict notion on purity in Python. However, it gets fuzzy when we try to use nested data types (i.e. anything that needs a pointer - Lists, Tuples & Strings). Pythas will need to wrap these using FFI memory operations. Thus, even pure code is lifted into the IO monad for data transfer. So, if we take a and b instead to be:

a :: [Int]
b :: IO [Int]

We will end up with the following on Python’s side:

>>> m.a
<pythas.utils.PythasFunc object at 0x....>
>>> m.a()
[1, 2, 3]
>>> m.b()
[1, 2, 3]

The call signature of b doesn’t change, but a requires unwrapping now and it shows. In effect, you lose the visible difference the IO monad would cause on Python’s side in the first example.

Note that the purity of your code itself does not suffer under this restriction! It just makes the call syntax a little weird.

Custom types¶

Support for pointers to custom types defined with newtype or data within Haskell is currently experimental. To make the function or constant names accessible from a Python context, you will need to manually add foreign export ccall exports to your module. Within Python the values are then treated as NULL-pointers. Thus, you can hand them from one Haskell function to another. The example/Example.hs file contained in the repository of Pythas contains a trivial showcase for this feature:

>>> import pythas; import example.example as e
>>> e.fromCustom(e.toCustom(63))

Due to the immense simplicity of the “Custom” type just wrapping an Int this works. Note that otherwise it will be more effort to make Custom an instance of Foreign.Storable (Storable) and provide a pointer through the FFI. Future releases of Pythas may feature a more supportive implementation of custom types.